falklands war

  1. Z

    Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC - Mr SHAR RIP.

    Sad to hear Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC has done one last transition. https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/659317-cdr-n-d-sharkey-ward-dsc-afc-rip.html Only met him once during a close session briefing in approx. 84. He owned the audience, we were just in awe, the energy in the room...
  2. PreMars

    Why Argentina A-4Qs didn't attack British carrier when they found British fleet on May 1st, 1982?

    Is it because the A-4Q has a shorter combat radius and the British aircraft carrier has not yet entered the strike range? Or is it because there has been no wind on the sea since the afternoon of May 1st? Or is it because the time is in the afternoon and close to evening, so it is difficult to...
  3. PreMars

    Some questions about the modification of Argentine aircraft carrier ARA Veinticinco de Mayo

    Why Argentine aircraft carriers were unable to carry Super Etendard during the Falklands War? Some information claims that the ship only underwent relevant modifications after the war, including upgrading the catapult and inertial navigation system. The stern lift was welded. There is also...
  4. F.L.

    Alternative fighter for Argentine AF & Navy during Falklands war.

    What would have been the impact on the dogfights FAA vs Sea Harriers FRS.1 if Argentina had disposed MiG-21MF/bis & MiG-23MS/MF with R-13M/R-60 during the air war over Falklands. Shar vs MiG-21/ Shar vs MiG-23/ And also with other fighters. The purpose of this thread is not to engage in...
  5. uk 75

    Falklands 1983

    It is one of the great what-ifs of recent history, what would have happened if Argentina had waited until John Nott's defence cuts had been implemented and invaded the Falklands in March 1983? With only Illustrious working up and Ark Royal still under construction, the Royal Navy had sold...
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