
  1. Grey Havoc

    Tessiot mobile ground target

    A late 1990's French government sponsored project for a "Ground Target For Simulating The Heat Silhouette Of A Vehicle Such As A Tank". Intended for both peacetime use as a training (including live fire) target and as a wartime mobile decoy system. Was what would be known today as 'optionally...
  2. bobbymike

    Robotics - General News

    Video at this link - Think of the military applications for robotic technologies able to be this dexterous and this fast. Humans can think awfully fast but are limited by our physical...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Hitachi SWAN and RESQ series robots

    Thought this might be topical in light of current events. Both of these series were developed in the early 2000's by Hitachi for use in nuclear accidents. However they appear to have fallen victim to to political shenanigans shortly thereafter. The [final?] SWAN prototype ended up (ironically)...
  4. Triton

    UK MoD Future Protected Vehicle

    From theworacle via YouTube:
  5. Andrei_bt

    Robot vechicles on the base of future tank

    Higly protected manned-unmanned systems vith remote control for special situations. Info (in russian) -
  6. Matej

    WUT (Warsaw University of Technology) UAV/UCAV projects

    Lets start with the most interesting one - PW124 UCAV. The project, that should led to the new manned or unmanned light attack aircraft.
  7. flateric

    85 ton man-operated 'Beetle' built for AFSWC to tend nuclear-powered rockets

    Courtesy LIFE/Google
  8. flateric

    Boston Dynamics Big Dog and other military transport robots

    For those who didn't often read Ares blog...not a fresh news but was impressive for me. It worth reading and especially looking at in action
  9. R

    FCS - Future Combat Systems - Evolution

    Hola!!! I'm interested in information on the evolution of the FCS. These are two models I made from depictions taken out of ARMOR MAGAZINE in 1997. The model is a concept contest winner apparently designed by Dr. Asher Sharoni, from Western Design Howden (WDH) Thanks, Rafa
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