space race

  1. T

    Russian manned moonlander

    hello folks i know that there is a prototype of an Russian moonlander some where in Russia developed for the Russian manned voyage to the moon. I'm very curious of there were more Russian designs for manned moon or mars lander best regards T-50
  2. Skybolt

    Alternate "Saturns" from 1960

    1963, like rightly Scott says on his blog ( showing gorgeous COLOR graphics of early Martin post-Saturns), was a great year for space and future. But what we'd say of 1960 ? The companies were not only working with great plans for a rather far-off future, after...
  3. hesham

    Lockheed-California Earth-to-space shuttle of 1964

    Hi, Lockheed-California was carrying out studies into Earth-to-space "shuttle" vehicles for NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. In this proposal the three-stage recoverable vehicle was launched by a hot-water propulsion rocket sled...
  4. P

    SERV - 1971 VTOVL alternate shuttle proposal

    From the astonautix site VTOVL orbital launch vehicle. Status: Study 1971. Manufacturer's Designation: SERV. Chrysler ballistic single stage to orbit alternate shuttle proposal of June 1971. This was the most detailed design study ever performed on...
  5. hesham

    From Flightglobal;The Early Drawing to NA X-15

  6. Triton

    LM-B/Space Tug

    Does anyone know any details concerning the Grumman Lunar Module-B/Space Tug that was part of the Integrated Man Space Flight Program? I have found information that says its diameter was 22 feet and other information that says it was 15 feet. Did earlier concepts of the space shuttle have a...
  7. Triton

    Orbital Hyper Velocity Gun (HVG) - Rail Gun

    During the Strategic Defense Initiative days of the mid 1980s, one of the weapons technologies that was discussed was a Hyper Velocity Gun (HVG) placed in orbit to fire at inbound ICBMs and MIRVs. Artist's conception (top) of USAF space-based hypervelocity launcher aka railgun, among kinetic...
  8. Triton

    North American Rockwell/General Dynamics Phase B Shuttle specs

    Does anyone have specifications of the North American Rockwell/General Dynamics Phase B Shuttle (1970)? Any additional concept art and drawings would be appreciated as well.
  9. Triton

    Soviet Lunar Expeditionary Complex

    Can anyone recommend a good English source for information concerning Valentin Glusko's Lunar Expeditionary Complex beyond the Russian Space Web site and Astronautix, either books or websites? Does anyone have concept art they would be willing to share? I have been on the Buran web site. It's...
  10. Triton

    Soviet N1 rocket

    I have read conflicting information concerning the Soviet N1 rocket. Some sources say that the 30 engine design of the first stage was fatally flawed and the complex piping was damaged during rail transport to Baikonur. But then another source says that Nikolai Kuznetsov continued to work to...
  11. sferrin

    The Marquardt Space Sled

    So many smart ass remarks come to mind. . .
  12. XP67_Moonbat

    XB-70: Use As A First-Stage

    Some time ago, one of the threads on here delved into the topic of the XB-70 used as a recoverable booster (a.k.a.-the RBSS) On that thread a link provides has an image of the XB-70 RBSS: So a few weeks ago I see Valkyrie, by Dennis...
  13. A

    Saturn INT-20 / Saturn Shuttle / flyback S-IC idea

    Saturn INT-20 was a S-IC with S-IVB as second stage. The S-IVB being 360 tons lighter than S-II, acceleration was terrific. Boeing suggested to remove a F1; even with four engine, payload matched that of Saturn INT-21. In 1971...
  14. Michel Van

    Space Suit Prototypes (like Grumman Moon Suit, Republic etc)

    here some of crazy space suits ever build the "Tincan" Moon suit by Grumman in year 1959 Hard shell suit with flexible arms and Legs Note no Live support system in Suit but a Umbilical supply with electric power and oxygen ! ! ! bigger size pic (from the Mohave desert test)...
  15. G

    RAF Manned Capsule

    I have heard somewhere that the Royal air Force issued a specification around 1960-odd for a manned space capsule, but it's still classified - does anyone know anything about this, and could a "Freedom of Information" request get it into public knowledge? Grif
  16. airrocket

    1980's McDonnell TAV Concepts

    MCD MOL Plans
  17. XP67_Moonbat

    Air-Launching Satellites

    This is a follow-on to the earlier topic in Postwar Projects about satellite launching with fighters. To start it off, I give you this:
  18. P

    Really Couldn't Reach Moon by 1970 with Orbital Re-fueling?

    Most, although by no means all, pre-Apollo concepts for manned lunar flights depended on assembly or at least refueling in LEO. It's my understanding that a reason for dropping this approach was that it could not be done in time to satisfy Apollo's before-this-decade-is-out deadline. Probably...
  19. Michel Van

    USA military lunar outpost: Project Horizon, LUNEX ...

    here some Link and PDF about USA military outpost on Moon Project Horizon (ABMA now MSFC at NASA) size 1.3 MB
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