Armed UAV search and wipe out the portable anti-tank missile shooter

li zhuo peng

ACCESS: Restricted
21 September 2021
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On Ukrainian battlefield, portable missiles become the main killer of tanks and armor transportation. Ukrainian soldiers used javelin FGM148 portable missiles to eliminate multiple Russian tanks, and Russian soldiers also used “Shorts signal” portable anti armor missiles to eliminate multiple armored vehicles.

According to the March 2022 battle report from Ukrainian Ministry of National Defense, the Ukrainian has destroyed 251 Russian tanks, 939 armored vehicles, 105 artillery systems, and a large amount of other equipment. As of July 5th, the US Department of Defense reported that over 6500 sets of "javelins" were provided to Ukraine, and first batch 112 "javelin" FGM148 missiles used, 100 directly or indirectly hit the target, with a hit rate of 89%.

The total weight of "Javelin" system is 22.5 kg, including 6.24 kg for launch control and aiming devices, 4.08 kg for missile launchers, 11.8 kg for missiles, Javelin adopts a long wave infrared guidance method and is an autonomous guided anti tank missile. It’s an attack range of 4000m.

"Short signal" is the third-generation light anti armor missile developed by Russia,

The missile flies in a spiral manner with the laser beam as the axis, and has strong resistance to active/passive interference methods such as smoke bombs and infrared radiation. It can effectively reduce the risk of interception and ensure a high hit rate. The upgraded "Short Signal M" adds a thermal imaging guidance mode, which has the ability of "no need to worry after launch".

The upgraded "short signal" maximum range is 8000 meters. "which exceeds the normal range of tank guns, and gives it an advantage in anti armor operations.

FGM148 antitank misslie ,range 4000 meter

美 军发射标枪导弹.png

Short signal portable anti-armor missile. Range 8000 meters.


This Russian tank hit by a portable anti-armor missile


In most combat situations, tanks and infantry are indispensable to each other: one side can complete tasks that the other cannot. Tanks are more suitable for combat in open rural areas, where they can strike targets from a long distance; But infantry prefer cities or areas covered in trees, where they expose fewer weaknesses and short range weapons are more effective.

Prevent tanks from being ambushed

Tanks can cover infantry in open areas, and in areas covered with trees or residential areas, tanks are most susceptible to close range ambushes and RPG anti tank grenades (with a range of 300-1000 meters), allowing infantry to protect the tank.

Infantry follow with tanks


But infantry cannot protect tanks and armored vehicles from long-range attacks from FGM148 and short signal anti tank missiles


So, the best way to protect your tanks and armored vehicles is to locate and eliminate them before the enemy launches missiles.​

Use of armed UAV search and wipe out the hostile portable anti-tank missile shooter is a good choice.

For example, this woodpecker armed UAV, the UAV has a range of more than 70 kilometers and a patrol time of 50 minutes. IT locate and wipe out the portable anti-armor missile shooter within 20 miles ,protect the patrol armor-vehicles team.

Woodpecker UAV parameters ,Voyage 70 km, stay in the air for 1 hour, total weight 170 kg, carry two 7.92 mm machine guns, 500 rounds of ammunition. IT MOUNT ONE 82MM MORTAR SHELL OR TWO 60MM MORTAR SHELLS. The fuselage is equipped with infrared thermal imagers and cameras, communication and flight control components.

This UAV able fly return to vehicle recharge battery.

An infantry armored transporter take 8 woodpecker UAV at the same time as patrol mission.

Design of woodpecker armed UAV


Armed UAV shoot the soldier before he launch the missile.


One armored transporter take 8 woodpecker UAV


One patrol teams of tanks and armored vechicles protected by 16-24 armed UAV


Anti-armor missile Shooter in spite of ambush on a hill, but armed UAV easy observe and attack him.

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