Book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000.


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 May 2006
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Alexis Rocher (aka MIRAGE 4000 on SPF), current editor-in-chief of the French monthly Le fana de l'aviation, informed us a few days ago of the forthcoming release of his book on the Dassault Super Mirage 4000. He also informed us that the book will exist in an English version.

Today, thanks to the publisher of this book, Yves Robins (his name is the same on SPF), we know that the book (in French) will be available on June 26, at the price (excluding shipping costs) of 29€. We also know that the book will be in A5 format (which is my only regret at this stage).

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Now, on the editor's website, you can click on the cover of the book to see pages : 5 and 6 (summary), 9, 12, 13, 15, 37, 39, 46, 60, 81, 123 and two others without number.


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I repeat what is said by Alexis Rocher in the foreword (it is me who adds the part in parentheses):
"It is the articles from 2004 (Fanas 416 to 418) and 2019 (Fanas 592 and 593) that are brought together here. They are supplemented by new research and in particular by the contribution of unpublished archives by the historian Claude Carlier ( ...) (including) letters from Marcel Dassault."

Having the five articles of Fana, I already have the heart of the book. But the "new research", distributed throughout the book, in addition to the text or in inserts, brings a plus. For example, if we don't learn much more about the Iranian and Iraqi markets, we have certain complementary (and no less frustrating) elements about the Jordanian and, above all, Saudi markets. There are also quite a few unpublished photos and drawings.

On the other hand, there are certain passages of the articles (inserts, drawings, diagram) which are not in the book, in particular inserts on the Saudi market which give some details not present in the book. I also think that certain passages of the Fana 416, admittedly more focused on the Mirage G8A (and the genesis of the ACF program) than on the Mirage 4000, could have been kept. Otherwise, I regret the A5 format, which I find too small, especially for photos and drawings. But on SPF, thanks to our friend Alanqua, we are lucky to have some of these drawings in large format ;)

In the end, I do not regret my purchase. And I think that for people who do not read French, and have not already read the 5 articles of Fana, they will particularly appreciate the English version of this book.
if we don't learn much more about the Iranian and Iraqi markets, we have certain complementary (and no less frustrating) elements about the Jordanian and, above all, Saudi markets.

(Personal note: needs the book, and I need to read again Le Fana. Irak and S.A, I knew, but Iran and Jordania ? WTH ? curiouser and curiouser... )
if we don't learn much more about the Iranian and Iraqi markets, we have certain complementary (and no less frustrating) elements about the Jordanian and, above all, Saudi markets.

(Personal note: needs the book, and I need to read again Le Fana. Irak and S.A, I knew, but Iran and Jordania ? WTH ? curiouser and curiouser... )
Iran is mentioned only once in the articles (without further information), but not in the book.
Jordan is barely mentioned in the articles, a little bit more in the book, but the "a little bit more" is quite surprising (I wouldn't have been against a development).
In the appendices at the end of the book there are, among other things, developments relating to what could have been an industrial association of combat aircraft between France and Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Egypt.
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Any word on when this might be available in English?

On a side note, Mirage 4000, F-16xl, and F-20 all getting books within a couple months of each other is something else. All we need to complete the lost planes of the 80s quartet is a new book on the Lavi.
It is indeed. There might be a Hebrew language Lavi book more to your liking one day - I knew a person working on one.
Is there any news about the planned English edition of Alexis' book?

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