detection range of Optical sensor balls


ACCESS: Top Secret
11 January 2011
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Are there any resources that give hard figures on just what can be detected from what range by using various EO sensor balls that are widely used on various UAVs?

For example, I managed to find vague statements on Wescam sensors. That MX-20 (54 cm diameter) can identify objects/targets at 20 km. And that MX-10 (26 cm diameter) can read a license plate from 230 m away.

But are there more precise and more credible, substantiated claims? exact resolution at exact distance? It doesn't have to be for modern systems, even stuff that was used 10 or 20 years ago is fine. Any system from any manufacturer would be fine.
Thanks! Such videos are also quite helpful!
Judging from that 15.5 km range imagery, and assuming it's the best it can do, (which may not be true) the resolution might be enough for moving object/target identification but it doesn't seem enough for identification of large stationary objects, which could very well be various decoys or simply partially masked with crude camouflage. Of course, that the MX15, which is their mid-range model, with 40cm diameter sensor ball Their larger or newer models might offer better performance.

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