Hollywood Magic: Oxford and Heathrow Airport

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Playing with you tub and two of my favourite movies.
First up is my home town of Oxford. Never heard of the books until I saw the Polar Bear ad for the film Golden Compass. Like the film for the Polar Bear but had to laugh at Hollywood's images of Oxford in the "real" as opposed to the world depicted in the film.
They only appear very briefly at the start of the film. These skyscrapers are not in Oxford.
The building on the right is an altered version of a bookshop building built in the 60s so ok.
Hunt for Red October is a film I first saw in a Hamburg cinema with a friend the year it was released. It was raining outside and we laughed as Ryan was dropped at London airport in the rain.
They even got Heathrow right. But as the sharp eyed might notice it is a redressed LA airport. I only caught on when I saw LA in another film.
Maybe you have some silly real or not quite real world pics.

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