Impact of potential GFC mk2 on military spending?


as long as all they ask me about is the air war...
31 October 2013
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Things are looking pretty sketchy, Japanese and said bonds negative out to decades, Italian banks on the absolute razors edge and gold spiking...we could be on the verge of a bigger crash than 07/08.

The question is how do you think it would impact some of the headline projects in critical stages of development and funding? Sequestration was obviously a stupid idea, even if you believe in smaller military budgets, untargetted across the board cuts don't make much sense, you can't build 85% of a new hypetspectral imagining satellite the way you can give someone a pay cut.

In the states at least big military projects have been a form of acceptable make work programs for decades, it's not news to anyone here that big programs are parceled out across the country to spend a little in almost every state. If they try and stimulate the economy through more shovel ready jobs and infrastructure spending the military budget might even get a boost.

Does anyone here have any educated guesses on where cuts to USAF budgets would be targeted? Would say a 20% reduction mean headline projects like the f-35 face cuts or is money budgeted and allocated far enough out to finish all the program goals even if numbers are cut? i.e development money sitting in a bank account ready to be spent vs money left to be apportioned out to the air force in future budgets. I suppose I'm asking how much is paid for or has money set aside for it and how much is depending on future cash from government coffers?

I assume programs in earlier stages of development like the B-21 are in much greater peril (though the necessity of the program would protect it you would think). Do you think they'll try and reduce capabilities if the program is at risk or kill other programs to preserve what the air force has laid out as requirements?

If things get really dire do you think we'll see Russian style super life extension and upgrade programs for both bombers and fighters?

It could all be a big nothing and things settle back to status quo, but I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts on how another GFC would impact the services of the USA and other countries.

I suppose one major difference is that in other countries military spending is mostly money going offshore, whereas most US, Russian, Chinese and French spending is mostly domestic. Saudi Arabia for example is throwing huge amounts of foreign currency reserves towards defending their USD peg. Their ability to spend on new military contracts is going to be seriously curtailed even though it's a time they'd likely want to be upgrading and spending, particularly with oil at the price it is. Having said that British weapons like those BAE provides them will be much cheaper with the currency movements in sterling.

Anyhow, I'd be very interested in people's thoughts.

*Apologies in advance for any wording or grammatical errors, this was written on my phone and I could easily have missed a few things.

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