UAP Congressional Hearing July 26 2023


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
25 August 2012
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Just in case some conventional DoD classified programs happen to come up....

The livestream link 10am EST

Attached PDF of David Grusch opening statement to the congressional hearing.

Opening statement from David Fravor -

Opening statement from Ryan Graves -

Should be interesting and worthy of some popcorn while listening. Lets keep it factual and not turn this thread into a sh*t show. Okay???


  • Dave_G_HOC_Speech_FINAL_For_Trans.pdf
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They should have asked the guys at Metabunk to testify.

So which is more likely:

1.) The U.S actually recovered a flying saucer


2.)Critical Thinking is on the way out since James Randi died.
My theory is that he (David Grush) really doesn't believe the alien craft baloney, but I believe him in that others actually told him that information. So he couldn't lodge the complaint "these guys lied to me and told me we had alien craft", because it would have just been ignored. But I feel like he is playing 4d chess and running with it. "If you guys are telling me we have alien space ships, then I am going to report it to congress as 'alien space ships'.

If somebody is trying to destroy your career, then thermonuclear retaliation might be an option for some people.
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This recent history podcast effectively debunks the whole UFO business pointing out it is no more than just another form of mythology.

More disturbed by the fact that a couple of these whistleblowers were supposedly proving the veracity of old videos like the alien interview with the obvious alien puppet coughing and being tended to by two actors dressed as doctors.

I dont like how it is being handled. I dont like the deception. It is almost as if this is all a red herring to throw off discussion of actual malfeasance in certain murky areas of our government and the private sector.

One "whistleblower" a little while back was discussing human trafficking and this ufo stuff and that really unsettled me. We know from the Dutroux affair and Casa Pia and the franklin scandal that some heinous stuff has gone down. Why is it that aliens and devil rituals always pop up in the cases where it seems headway is being made? I dont know. I dont like it.
Professor Brian Cox has weighed in on the hearings.

I keep being asked what I make of the UFO thing in Congress yesterday, so here it is: I watched a few clips and saw some people who seemed to believe stuff saying extraordinary things without presenting extraordinary evidence. Therefore I have nothing more to say, other than: It would be great if true - it would take a bit of the pressure off our civilisation if we weren’t the only means within the Milky Way by which the Universe understands itself. Sadly, as of today, I still feel that pressure, so can we perhaps focus on not messing our world up rather than hoping that, to paraphrase Sagan, someone will float down to save us from ourselves.

I watched these proceedings, and I was left greatly dissatisfied by them. It's all talking about "I can't talk about that in a public forum" to "I already submitted a list of [alleged] actual people who know about this stuff first hand" to "I and my wife have been threatened by [alleged] Federal ne'erdowells" to "recovered alien biologics."

No evidence, all hand-waving. Make the extraordinary claim (and these all are--all of the statements made--by any measure), better back them up with extraordinary evidence. Otherwise, it's all stories told by others to others that in turn were related to Mr. Grush. Third-hand, and maybe fourth-hand hearsay evidence. No substance from where I stand.

But I will make one noted point--Grush didn't grab my attention, his claims actually were anticlimactic and boring. But there was a person who was directly sitting behind him that did grab my attention, and keenly so. Former DNI Clapper. That caught my attention big time. I don't know why he was there, though.

Clapper has broad-spectrum awareness on many things. But I don't know if it covers UFOs.

Conspiracy theorists working for and within the US government are perpetuating myths about UFOs that millions of taxpayer dollars are then spent looking into, a “self-licking ice cream cone”, according to the Pentagon’s former chief investigator of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

Kirkpatrick declined to identify the people by name, but agreed with Bergen’s observation that “the actual conspiracy is being carried out by a group of true believers themselves to get the government involved in the business of investigating aliens”.

“That is a self-licking ice cream cone, exactly,” Kirkpatrick said. “The best thing that could have happened in this job is I found the aliens, and I could have rolled them out, but there’s none. There is no evidence of extraterrestrials. There is no evidence of aliens, and there’s no evidence of the government conspiracy.”

Kirkpatrick said in a resignation essay published by Scientific American last week that he feared lawmakers had succumbed to “conspiracy-driven decision-making” and sensationalism in their rush to “uncover the cover-up”.

“Some members of Congress prefer to opine about aliens to the press rather than get an evidence-based briefing on the matter. Members have a responsibility to exhibit critical-thinking skills instead of seeking the spotlight.”

“It is basically a religion, a religious belief that transcends critical thinking and rational thought.”


Resignation essay in Scientific American (paywalled):

Meanwhile the inspector general of the intelligence community vetted every crazy thing that David Grusch said. If this is some counter intel program that is completely out of control they should just admit it and bring this thing to a close. Saying the inspector general is part of the conspiracy theorists is a giant load of next level bullshit.
My theory is that he (David Grush) really doesn't believe the alien craft baloney, but I believe him in that others actually told him that information. So he couldn't lodge the complaint "these guys lied to me and told me we had alien craft", because it would have just been ignored. But I feel like he is playing 4d chess and running with it. "If you guys are telling me we have alien space ships, then I am going to report it to congress as 'alien space ships'.

If somebody is trying to destroy your career, then thermonuclear retaliation might be an option for some people.
Malicious Compliance is a fine art in the military.
If this is some counter intel program that is completely out of control they should just admit it and bring this thing to a close.

Like a “security” or “counterintelligence” program conducted against US citizens who were curious about special access programs?

If such a thing existed it would be very embarrassing to the organizations responsible.

Right now there are more people who have heard the term “special access program” than there were a year ago, and that is not a bad thing.

Unless you are someone involved in the embarrassing “CI” program that labeled IS citizens as the enemy, then it’s a super scary time.
Unless you are someone involved in the embarrassing “CI” program that labeled US citizens as the enemy, then it’s a super scary time.

I dunno about that. They may have different rules of engagement for people in the Pentagon. Grusch made his first complaint in 2021 and it must have started long before that. Even though he got a Congressional hearing, he's still bound by that non disclosure agreement that not even congress can dissolve. Unless he decides to go full "Snowden" I guess we will never now what that was all about. One thing is interesting, who made the decision at the Inspector general level that they would let him mention alien bodies, craft, and extra dimensions, but absolutely nothing else? I guess they assumed he would bury himself the second he mentioned aliens, but it backfired spectacularly.
This recent history podcast effectively debunks the whole UFO business pointing out it is no more than just another form of mythology.

A form of what? Over the years, millions of Americans have seen solid objects at relatively close range. After the establishment of CIRVIS, Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings in the late 1940s, UFO reports were sent to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio.

The present series of claims and counter-claims, along with claims that Americans "deserve" to know what's going on, are not based on anything substantive. I've listened to various people involved and none of it makes much sense.

In 1966, the U.S. Air Force paid for a study of the UFO issue that took place at the University of Colorado. When the Condon Report was finally released in 1968, it provided no reasonable explanations. And I doubt reports ceased after its release.
I dunno about that. They may have different rules of engagement for people in the Pentagon

Yes, they do. "People in the Pentagon" would be service members or DoD contract staff. Those are handled very differently.

Even though he got a Congressional hearing, he's still bound by that non disclosure agreement that not even congress can dissolve.

There is information he can talk about, and there is information he cannot due to his security agreements. From what I have seen, he has been talking right up to those boundaries. When things turn towards the boundaries of something he cannot talk about because of a security agreement that applies to him, he moves away from it.

Persons in the intelligence community largely say nothing at all, but some - especially senior people - are very aware of where those boundaries are and are comfortable operating at those boundaries. Again, from what I have seen and read that is what he has been doing. His lawyer (former ICIG) and the ICIG are apparently comfortable with this, which is not unusual.
Human beings are extremely adept in seeing patterns - even if no patterns are present.
Which is why casinos can make a bundle.
Which is why casinos can make a bundle.

Unless they are run by someone who is completely inept. (Couldn’t resist)

I have found sightings (and even photos) of black aircraft to be a terrible source of information, with only a few exceptions. Even my own.

Glenn Campbell’s viewing guide went into a digestible level of detail about how visual perception works and turns any number of mundane things into “anomalies”. It’s worth reading if this topic interests you.
some portion of sightings

Zero is still "some portion".
I like how a "fandom" wiki page is listed as one of their sources. It really adds to the credibility of the report.
Millions of Americans have also seen the face of a religious figure appear.... in toast.
That reminds me of the HPL pastiche “Details:”

The last time there was anything to UFO sightings it was due to a real phenomenon known as “sprites” and “elves” above thunderstorms.

I think an individual who built a UFO detector similar to this one:

-actually wound up making a sprite detector by accident.
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