space race

  1. LoveFromRussia

    BIS H. E. Ross and R. A. Smith Space Station

    Hello from Russia. A rare diagram of the space station of the British Interplanetary Society from the book 1959 Project Satellite. Kenneth W. Gatland This is the first futuristic scheme in Dr. Gatland's books. All information about this umbrella
  2. Graham1973

    Recreating Apollo Communications in the Lab

    The team that revived an Apollo AGC is now attempting the same feat with Apollo communications equipment... Parts 1 - 5 View: View: View: View...
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    Research in NASA history - a guide to the NASA history program This document published in 2009 contains a summary of published books about NASA history and also a guide to the collections and archives found at various NASA locations. Looks potentially useful for researchers.
  4. Graugrun

    South African indigenous propulsion projects.

    A collection of various South African propulsion projects, prototypes and ideas. Bits and pieces of these projects have been scattered around this site, I think it's time to gather them into one place for easy reference. Starting with this article on Cape Aerospace Technologies (CAT) designs...
  5. boxkite

    Chelomey NPOMash Raketoplan projects

    Does anyone know more about the Raketoplan designs in the background of the picture, which are on display at the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics? To which OKB do they belong?
  6. P

    1963 Apollo

  7. P

    1962 lunar lander

  8. P

    USAF Lunex Spacecraft (1958)

  9. Michel Van

    2001: A Space-Time Odyssey

    Introduction: This was a Alternate Cold War story publish in Alternate in 2015 Sadly over years thing went not so well and my co-authors lost interest or had not time anymore. I have decided to reworking, re-writing, re-editing this Alternate History for this Forum as a Solo...
  10. Grey Havoc

    Soviet Space Elevator (1970)

  11. E

    4/ 1965 Russian magazine TECHNICA MOLODEZHI Towards cosmic world Soviet space
  12. D

    American projects of space stations in the 50s and atomic spacecraft in the 60s on the pages of Soviet magazines in the 50s and books in the 70s

    The Iron Curtain is a relative term. Did Stalin hate America? Passionate love is hate. Now all official Russia is very fond of the West and keeps money in Western offshores. Our country secretly adores America. A good example of this is these reprints in old Soviet magazines and books from...
  13. Antonio

    The art of NASA
  14. T

    An amphibian veichle to recover the Mercury capsule

    I just found this picture in an old Italian magazine: The caption says it is a special amphibian veichle to recover the Mercury capsule. The picture was taken during an exercise, using a mockup of the Mercury, with the same dimensions and mass.
  15. K

    Soviet space dogs

    On this day in 1951, the Soviet Union launched the R-1 rocket into space with two dogs. The names of the dogs were Dezik and Cigan the flight lasted 20 minutes and the rocket reached an altitude of 110 km these were the first living beings to leave the earth
  16. E

    NASA and Apollo items coming to auction
  17. archipeppe

    Sword and shield: defending against an American anti-satellite weapon during the Cold War

    A really interesting article appeared yesterday on TSR by our Dwayne A. Day:
  18. A

    Project NEPTUN - 1967 German RLV study

    Hi. Found on the bay a (yet undocumented here) 1967 report authored by H.H. Koelle (Institute of space Technology / Berlin Technical University). The "student" study report might bear some interest today. Enjoy. A.
  19. fightingirish

    Soviet space-to-space guided missile

    The Russian military has finally revealed the rocket-propelled grenade weapon system developed for the Almaz space station project in the 1970s. Links: :eek: :cool: View...
  20. Flyaway

    The 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s historic flight

    The 12th April is the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin being the first man in space. Here’s this weeks Archive on 4 about that historic trip.
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